D128 is excited to welcome our students back to school on Monday morning!! Please remember to have your symptom check form completed and signed as your ticket in the door or to load the bus. See you all in the morning! #d128proud!
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Check your email for our latest D128 in 128 where we discuss the different communication tools we utilize here in District 128!
about 4 years ago, Palos Heights 128
D128 in 128
Check out our latest D128 in 128 where we discuss the different communication tools we utilize here in District 128! https://bit.ly/2JYWwin
about 4 years ago, Palos Heights 128
D128 in 128
Remote Learning will continue until December 11, 2020. Students return to in-person learning on December 14, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Palos Heights 128
Return to In-Person
Please check your email for an important message regarding our plan to return in person on Monday, December 14!!
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Check out this month's District 128 News! https://mailchi.mp/0891dff8a079/december2020
about 4 years ago, Palos Heights 128
NOTE: Adaptive pause and remote learning extended one week with an anticipated return date of Monday, December 14, 2020. Check your email for a detailed explanation.
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
District 128 has extended its Adaptive Pause through Friday, December 4, 2020. We are hoping to welcome students back in person on Monday, December 7, 2020. Details were sent via email. Please stay tuned to your email for future updates. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Please check your email for an update regarding our current Adaptive Pause and Remote Learning Model.
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Good evening everyone! We apologize if you tuned in at 6:30 PM to watch the live stream of our District 128 Board of Education Meeting on YouTube. A worldwide outage occurred on YouTube starting right before our meeting and caused our stream to buffer and not stream consistently. The entire meeting was recorded and is posted on the homepage of our website. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for understanding!
about 4 years ago, Palos Heights 128
All District 128 families should check email for two important messages, one regarding Parent-Teacher Conferences and one regarding an important COVID alert related to our learning model. Stay tuned to email for additional updates later this week. Reminder, NO SCHOOL TOMORROW. Schools are closed for Election Day.
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Please check your email for an important message regarding updated guidance related to masks. Neck gaiters and neck warmers are no longer acceptable under the new IDPH/ISBE guidelines.
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Please check your email for an important update from District 128.
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Check out the News Section of the website for the PFA Virtual Costume Contest information!
about 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Reminder Erin's Law Parent Night Presentation for Grades 1-8 is tonight at 6:30 p.m.! The link to the Zoom session is posted on our District webpage. Hope to "see" you there!
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
On Thursday, October 8 at 6:30 PM, Victor Pacini will be hosting a virtual parent information night on the Be Seen and Heard© curriculum. Parents, please check your email as the Zoom link and information has been shared with you!
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Our phone carrier has informed us that our phone lines are back up and operating. If you need to contact your student's school, you may return to calling the main office. Thanks for your patience and understanding during the outage.
over 4 years ago, Palos Heights 128
We received a message that our phone outage is not expected to be resolved until late Thursday afternoon. Please continue to use email for immediate assistance. Your building contacts are pasted below. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Independence Jr. High School: -Dr. Kevin Kirk - kkirk@palos128.org -Trudy Walta - twalta@palos128.org Indian Hill -Cathy Leslie - cleslie@palos128.org -Cindy Drabeck - cdrabeck@palos128.org Chippewa -Mary Lynn Duff - mduffy@palos128.org -Kim Patla - kpatla@palos128.org Navajo -Kaitlin Curran - kcurran@palos128.org -Pam Koutras - pkoutras@palos128.org
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Hello District 128 Families! Unfortunately, our District 128 phone lines are currently down. If you need immediate assistance at your student's school, please email your building principal and/or secretary. We will be in communication when the phone lines are back up and active. Independence Jr. High School: -Dr. Kevin Kirk - kkirk@palos128.org -Trudy Walta - twalta@palos128.org Indian Hill -Cathy Leslie - cleslie@palos128.org -Cindy Drabeck - cdrabeck@palos128.org Chippewa -Mary Lynn Duff - mduffy@palos128.org -Kim Patla - kpatla@palos128.org Navajo -Kaitlin Curran - kcurran@palos128.org -Pam Koutras - pkoutras@palos128.org Thank you for your patience and understanding!
over 4 years ago, Palos Heights 128
District 128 students will return to in-person instruction on Monday, September 21. Please check your email for our latest communication or click on the following link: https://mailchi.mp/636f1aa903ed/september16-return
over 4 years ago, Jason Smit
D128 Return to In-Person Instruction