A weekly update email went out via email this afternoon. Here is the link to our weekly E-Learning VIdeo: https://youtu.be/RnAEPHVLIYI Happy Mothers' Day Weekend!
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Thanks AMAZING students for sharing the love for our staff in this "Heartfelt video tribute! Get the tissue ready! This is why we do this work! https://youtu.be/TOQ_ahFvZmc
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
This week's Get Your Tie Dye On E-Learning Video: https://youtu.be/RbkvWL1128o. Next week's theme is chalk art! Remember no E-Learning on Monday!
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Beautiful day today! Hope you all enjoyed the sun. An email regarding the information from Governor Pritzker's press conference went out via email this evening. Just posting here in case you have not seen it.
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
To see this week's crazy hat and E-learning video, click here: https://youtu.be/K3GbzwzY6lk. Next week is a Tie Dye theme. Email your pictures to Mrs. Lynch: blynch@plaos128.org!
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
The April Monthly Newsletter should be in your email inbox via Mailchimp! You can also click here to access it: https://mailchi.mp/263e38a7120b/district128newsletter-4209557
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
No School (E-Learning) Tomorrow - Teacher Remote Learning Planning Day. Enjoy the beautiful weather.
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Please check your email for an important message regarding extended school closure if you haven't already. Here is today's video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNo52lY871w&feature=emb_logo&disable_polymer=true Stay tuned as we shift to weekly videos with a theme next week!
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
April 15 E-Learning Video is live! Click Here: https://youtu.be/SLKQByPsZ48 We love seeing all your smiling faces, even if only remotely. Email Mrs. Lynch your photos: blynch@palos128.org or add them at the link on the website E-Learning page. #d128proud #wherechildrenarefirst
over 4 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
April 8 E-Learning Video @Palos128! Enjoy the show! https://youtu.be/Y-I21c_4sAw #wherechildrenarefirst #d128proud
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Thank you
Keeping Community Connected Video - April 7... Click here: https://youtu.be/xz96PX0O0Vg. #d128proud #wherechildrenarefirst
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Did you see the art contest in this afternoon's E-Learning Email update? If not, click here for details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13rek7iiPmgCc63gaqVpP3Y0ZtD7C--l4/view?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
art example
Closing out Spirit Week in Style...Pajama Style that is. Check out our comfy cast of staff and students: https://youtu.be/VLOGWDLbnn4 We will push out a Keeping Community Connected Link next week! Have a great weekend!
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Spirit Week Hawaiian Day Video! Check it out: https://youtu.be/aaofcN8cnA4 Keep those pictures coming! Tomorrow is Pajama Day! Click here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gAmsTCA5TzduVxRX7
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Spirit Week Day 3: Sports Day Video! Click here: https://youtu.be/0nB3-EfNffA Remember tomorrow is Hawaiian Beach Day! Click here to drop photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gAmsTCA5TzduVxRX7
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Let's try this video link thing again! Here is the link to Day 2 Spirit Week Selfies and More: https://youtu.be/pMReT69YDf4. Post your Sports Spirit Wear tomorrow here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gAmsTCA5TzduVxRX7
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Here's some joy from D128. Keeping Community Connected video: Spirit Week Day 2 - Selfies with Pets & More https://youtu.be/URtYtfIoLpE Spirit Week Day 3 Sports Day Click to add photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/gAmsTCA5TzduVxRX7 Feeling the Love in D128! #wherechildrenarefirst
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Please check your email for an important update regarding extended school closure through April 30 at Governor Pritzker's order. Day 2 Spirit Week Video to be released later today. Stay tuned...
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
Sharing the link to the Staff Parade video! https://youtu.be/UsB-FNWqvIQ Sorry for the delay, so many smiles to upload! Big shout out to Palos Heights PD and Cook County PD for their support @palosheightspd @cookcountypd #wherechildrenarefirst #d128proud #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow
D128 pays it forward... Donating PPE supplies to Palos Hospital. Sending well wishes to our front line community workers.
almost 5 years ago, Merryl Brownlow