D128 pays it forward... Donating PPE supplies to Palos Hospital. Sending well wishes to our front line community workers.
D128 Staff showing the love for students! Over 50 cars paraded Palos Heights with the help of Palos Heights PD @palosheightspd and the Cook County PD @CookcountyPD. A true family in our community. #wherechildrenarefirst #d128proud #ILschoolsstepup
Check your email for an E-Learning Update for Monday, March 30. Be well.
Email update regarding March 31 - April 7 went out this morning. Be well.
D128 Staff Car Parade and Spirit Week! Check your email for details.
Spring Break Cheer! Hope you are all finding sometime to get outdoors and breathe deeply. It's a great way to bring normalcy to what is an unusual time. Stay tuned for post spring break E-Learning updates on Friday. Keep on keeping on, we got this.
Day 4 Crazy Socks, Germ Busters & E-Learning!! Click here for happy thoughts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je8C29zyrzI Love D128 #wherechildrenarefirst #ilschoolsstepup @palos128 @MerrylBrownlow
Governor Pritzker extended school closure through April 7, 2020. Click here to see family communication sent via email: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U7roJfXGmihXz0hNk2qHgB1GH6NxHjInHXBuk_Tkl44/edit?usp=sharing
Hey District 128, let's all come together and celebrate World Down Syndrome Day tomorrow (Friday 3/20)! Wear blue, yellow or crazy socks & send in your pics to our E-Learning link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/1gyGAH4KztchLede7 Can't wait to see your feet!
E-Learning Day 3: Check out our D128 Students!https://youtu.be/5Do0F3U7UBA
Check out Keeping Community Connected Day 2 E-Learning: https://youtu.be/pwn140wsrkI
D128: Keeping Community Connected... Check out our E-Learning Day 1 Slide Show: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM672pcHI6dfw8-j0Yt7K8yccnwVa_HVrM97uDVGnFBu22d1pFL8B_ybxacjN9S2g?key=MG1KUmF1TUhjaVBDaVg5ZUtUV0o1cWlKZ2xXZ2F3 Loving our creative kids!
D128 Keeping Community Connected: A creative way to stay connected! Share photos & give us a glimpse into your E-Learning world. Email photos to mbrownlow@palos128.org or add them here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yecR4oHWbrgpFhBw7. Slide show will be posted at the end of the week!
Reminder NO SCHOOL beginning tomorrow March 16 - March 30. Check email or click this link (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s60_1WEbIBlf9cxJc6DFPY2xmskI4dMGhEKhtcfAba4/edit?usp=sharing) for an important message regarding updates on school closure.
In a press conference this afternoon, Governor Pritzker ordered all schools to close through Monday, March 30. See your email for details. School is planned to reopen on TUESDAY, MARCH 31. Monday, March 30 will be an E-Learning Day.
SCHOOL CLOSURE & E-LEARNING: Click here for a message sent via email: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UTyTaPfSb2wqYz6QhKZw0yVNmpH_qlAr/view?usp=sharing. Second link to E-Learning document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDCozAgqBHkY2tvtrlLe_GUxamYb6ZsN/view?usp=sharing
Update on D128 response to Coronavirus and Governor Pritzker's Press Conference: Click to view: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ye1K7sBdK740NDRozROD11h4divi3ZzT/view?usp=sharing
An updated Coronavirus message went out this afternoon via email regarding the precautions we are taking as a district. Please click here if you missed it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14gShhA6JYGKv1rwqM0o_Vs1Qp6YEU8LP/view?usp=sharing
Early Dismissal Reminder: Wednesday, March 11 is an early dismissal day. All schools dismiss at 1:15 pm. Please plan accordingly!
Navajo Principal Profile: We are seeking your input and feedback in developing a leadership profile for the Navajo Principalship. Click to complete the input form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S8QC3Z8
Survey closes Friday, March 13.